You can have multiple budgets for identical time periods by creating budgets with separate names. First, you set up the budget name and enter the budget figures. The budget name is then included on all the budget entries you create.
When you create a budget, you can define four dimensions for each budget. These budget-specific dimensions are called budget dimensions. You select the budget dimensions for each budget from among the dimensions you have already set up. Budget dimensions can be used to set filters on a budget and to add dimension information to budget entries. For more information, see Working with Dimensions.
Budgets play an important role in business intelligence, such as in financial statement based on account schedules that include budget entries or when analyzing budgeted versus actual amounts in the chart of accounts. For more information, see Business Intelligence.
Budgets play an important role in business intelligence, such as in financial statement based on account schedules that include budget entries or when analyzing budgeted versus actual amounts in the chart of accounts. For more information, see Business Intelligence.
In cost accounting, you work with cost budgets in a similar way. For more information, see Creating Cost Budgets.
At the top of the Budget window, fill in the fields as necessary to define what is displayed.
Only entries that contain the budget name that you entered in the budget Name field are shown. Because the budget name has just been created, there are no entries that match the filter. Therefore, the window is empty.
On the Filters FastTab, you can filter the budget information by budget dimensions you have set up under the budget name.
Business Intelligence
Setting Up Finance
The General Ledger and the Chart of Accounts
Working with Dynamics NAV
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